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EDI Operations for Electronic Submissions:
(800) 992-0246
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST

EDI Operations Customer Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for allowing us to better serve you! Customer satisfaction is important to us and we continually seek ways to improve our services.

If you can please fill in the information below and select the appropriate response to each question in this survey and click “submit” when you are done.

Thanks again for helping us better serve you.

  Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

The analyst demonstrated courtesy, professionalism, and a positive attitude.

The analyst kept me informed of the steps and the time requirements necessary to resolve my issue.

The analyst was attentive to my needs, questions and concerns.

The analyst demonstrated the knowledge level necessary for the technical and business side of my issue.

The resolution for my issue was complete and effective.

Analyst who assisted you: Comments, Concerns, or Questions:

Submitter Information

Submitter Name:

Trading Partner number or NPI number:

Submitter Company:

Submitter Telephone Number: